What Causes Power Outages


Almost every city experiences power outages one time or the other. While these outages aren’t as prevalent as they used to be back in the day, they can still be a huge problem. Recently, there has been a surge in power outages due to heatwaves, storms and other issues. Fortunately, however, these outages did not affect as many people as they would have back in the day, but they still remain a huge problem.

Despite how well contained most power outages these days tend to be, people still wonder are about the reasons that lead to light flickering and power outages. If you are one of those people too, continue reading this piece as it goes into detail about common reasons behind power outages.

Before we proceed, however, it is important to keep in mind that one of the main reasons behind power outages and bc hydro outages is a lack of electricity. Yes, it could be that simple sometimes. With very little energy to go around, cities can face day long outages, something that can happen in almost any part of the world.

The Different Types of Power Outages

There are multiple steps and processes to deliver electricity, and power outages can occur at almost any step. First off, it is important to keep in mind that electricity is generated by power plants. After that, high voltage transmission lines advance the electricity to long distances. The last bit of the journey is distribution – a process in which electricity is delivered to customers living in different areas.

Power outages can occur due to failures at different points of the procedure. Insufficient generation of electricity, transmission, failures, failures in distribution etc. are some of the common causes behind power outages.

Recently though, a completely different kind of power outage has come to the forefront where power companies shut off some parts of the distribution network or electricity transmission for minimizing the risk of causing catastrophic situations.

  • Problems with Distribution

While there are plenty of power outage types, distribution failures are arguably the most common. That being said, failure in distribution generally impacts a smaller area compared to other failures. An issue like this can take place because of several causes which include things scenarios like – stormy weather causing tree branches to crash a power line, a squirrel entering the substation, cars hitting a power pole, etc.

Outages or breakdowns on distribution systems generally don’t have a massive impact. At most, it affects only a couple of neighborhoods or few blocks. However, there can be instances where these outages impact cities for extensive periods. For instance, Florida residents did not have electricity for an entire week due to Hurricane Irma in 2017. That said, lengthy outages are quite rare when it comes to distribution problems and don’t require too much time for repairs.

  • Transmission Problems

Believe it or not, transmission issues are significantly rarer compared to distribution failures. However, when they do occur, the consequences can be massive. In most cases, transmission system failures happen because of bad weather. However, the outage could also take place because of human error, computer problems, equipment failures, etc.

During 2003, around fifty million people residing in the North-Eastern part of the United States did not have any power for a long period because a transmission line collided with a massive tree branch. While people thought that the disturbance would last for a short period, it spiraled out of control leading to a lengthy blackout. That said, this example is quite rare and extreme. Plus, the investigations conducted for this incident resulted in improved reliability standards developed to steer clear from further issues down the line.

  • Shortage of Supply

A shortage in supply is arguably the rarest kind of power outage out of them all. Outages like these happen whenever there isn’t a sufficient amount of electricity to meat an area or city’s demand. This kind of outage often takes place in areas with too much heat, as people blast their air conditioning systems, which leads to electricity demands as more people turn their ACs on.

This is precisely the problem that led to the infamous lengthy power outage in California. The state experienced an extreme heatwave, which boosted the demand for electricity significantly, leading to rolling blackouts and a shortage of supply. The state experienced a similar issue during the early 2000s, which came to be known as the California electricity crisis.

Unlike the last power outage, this one was caused because of multiple issues like market manipulation, lack of supply etc. However, the bottom line still remains that there wasn’t a sufficient amount of electricity to distribute. Grid operators resort to a variety of actions to steer clear from power outages, especially when there is a short supply. However, when things get worst, the only option they have is rolling blackouts.

Contrary to popular belief, rolling blackouts don’t impact everyone. Grid operators basically choose to switch the power to only a select few customers, bringing the demand for electricity down to a level that they can easily manage.

Although supply shortages can take place in entire states and cities, the number of people impacted by such outages can significantly vary. For instance, one of the blackouts that happened during the infamous California electricity crisis impacted tens of thousands of individuals, while there was another similar outage that affected over one million people.

As mentioned before, power outages like these are quite rare as governments spend a lot of effort, time, and money to prevent them. As a matter of fact, the reliability standards proposed by the national grid state that an outage like his only happens one time per decade.

Several countries are trying to meet these standards by utilizing resource adequacy programs. For those who don’t know, programs like these are developed for preventing blackouts and power outages that happen because of supply shortages through rigorous planning to make sure we have sufficient power plants. Fortunately, most developed countries have met this goal, making outages like these incredibly rare.

  • Planned Outages and Public Safety Shutoffs

Planned outages and public safety power shutoffs are either distribution or power outages. However, the main difference is that outages like these are completely intentional. When it comes to planned outages, an electric supply company may shut down some portions of a grid for performing routine maintenance. However, there is often some redundancy present in most electric grids which enable the utilities to carry out maintenance procedures without closing the power down.

As far as power shutoffs for public safety go, such events have been prevalent all across the world. Some weather conditions like low humidity or high wings can significantly increase the risks of distribution and transmission lines starting fires. Instead of risking fire hazards and being held responsible for the catastrophe resulting from it, utilities often decide to close the power off altogether in order to make sure the equipment they use doesn’t start a fire.

As climate change is significantly increasing the risks of wildfires in different parts of the globe, a large number of utilities are resorting to planned power shutoffs. For instance, the Nevada utility created a program to steer clear from wildfire risks by resorting to intentional shutdowns.

Power Outages Can Be Quite Complicated

While power outages may seem simple from the outside, they are actually quite complicated. Why? Because more often than not, there are multiple reasons that result in blackouts and outages. What makes things worse is that the causes we discussed earlier aren’t always the reason behind a power failure or outage. You’d be surprised to learn that a large number of outages have been caused because of several generators being on offline mode or because of failed transmission lines.

Regardless of the particular type of outage, its worth remembering that we live in an era where electricity is vital for everyday life.  So it goes without saying that outages can be a huge disruption for anyone. Unfortunately, a large number of grids are having a hard time keeping up with the plethora of disruptions burgeoning over the past couple of decades. Plus, with the devastating effects of climate changes, things could only become worse if the right steps are not taken.

Preventing Power Outages – What can we do?

While there are plenty of things we can do to steer clear from power outages, the first thing would be to make investments for increasing grid resilience in order to steer clear from power outages. Since distribution and transmission failures are arguably the biggest issues that result in power outages, it would be best to take some measures for improving the distribution and transmission infrastructure for minimizing the risks associated with these failures. In addition, we should consider deploying microgrids and distributed energy resources capable of reducing reliance on distribution and transmission systems.

That being said, no matter how many measures your resort to for grid resiliency, occasional power shortages are still inevitable. If you cannot go without having electricity, consider getting a backup plan. An electrician in Vancouver can help you come up with a viable plan, making sure you can steer clear from bc power outages, light flickering, and other similar issues.

Short Circuits and Power Outages

As most of you may know, a short circuit is a term generally used for describing power failures. Unfortunately, there are thousands of people who still do not know what the term means, which is why they end up confusing it and making mistakes when it comes to repairs. So the question remains, what actually is a short circuit? And more importantly, what can you do to prevent it from damaging your electrical equipment whenever a sudden power outage happens. Well, let us find out.

A short circuit happens whenever an electrical current travels to a path, which is not the same as the one inside the electrical circuit. Whenever instances like these happen, there is a lot of electric currents that could cause fire, explosion, circuit damage, etc.  As a matter of fact, short circuits tend to be one of the main causes of electrical fires all across the world.

Safety and Prevention

Now that you know about the possible causes that lead to short circuits, let’s take a look at some helpful ways that can help us protect our electrical appliances from the various hazards posed by them. First off, make sure that each piece of equipment and appliance you are using contains high-quality materials. In addition, it should meet the specifications required by your particular application.

The initial costs for an installation could be significantly higher compared to systems developed with low-quality materials. However, the savings you will make will help you steer clear from the potential losses that occur because of maintenance and short circuits. Plus, it will provide you additional peace of mind and safety, which is always a big bonus.

Make sure to tell your electrician in Vancouver to choose and the right gauge and high-quality wires for your particular application. You must also ensure that you do not overload any electrical circuit or wires. As most of you may know, electrical overloads can result in overheating, which can cause insulation breakdowns that could cause short circuits.

Rotors, pistons, pumps, and several other moving components of electric motors should go through regular servicing and checks to avoid jamming. High-quality circuit breakers, fuses, and other protection devices/appliances should always be installed in a way that allows you to disconnect the power in case a short circuit occurs. Doing so will help you protect your equipment from getting damaged because of short circuits.

A common mistake many people make when buying circuit breakers is that they don’t check the rating. Getting a breaker with the wrong rating can cause further issues. So ensure you check your breaker rating before you purchase it. In addition, you must also be extra careful when installing the circuits, as exposure to water could damage them in more ways than one.

Other Causes for Power Outages

While the four main causes we discussed earlier are arguably the most common, there are some other causes that could lead to power outages.

  • Electrical Trees

Electrical treeing is a renowned phenomenon that impacts high power installations like transformers, high voltage power cables and other similar installations that require a lot of power. Any type of impurity or mechanical defect present inside the appliance utilized in high voltage installations often leans to restricted electrical charges in the appliance.

The damaging procedure shows up in a pattern that closely resembles a tree, which is the reason behind the  name “electrical treeing”. Electrical trees remain undetected for a particular period but continue to degrade at a rapid pace, eventually resulting in a complete breakdown. If you want to combat this issue, you must consider using high quality materials made to handle high electric loads. You can also get a licensed electrician Vancouver to perform regular maintenance while identifying and addressing electrical trees right away.

  • Power Surges

While electrical systems can be compromised by plenty of issues, power surges may be on top of the list. Power surges can result in overheating, which could cause significant damage to expensive and critical equipment. The good news is that you can protect yourself from surges like these by using circuit breakers and surge protectors.

Ideally, you should consider integrating the surge protector to the main switchboard. Smaller setups that contain a limited amount of equipment can utilize portable protection devices, which you can plug with the power grid.

  • Blackouts

Blackouts essentially mean a complete loss of electrical power at a particular geographic area. It is arguably the most severe type of power outage cities experience. Depending on the main cause behind a blackout, getting the power back can be an incredibly complicated task that power stations and utilities should undertake, making sure they repair everything the right way.

  • Brownouts

Brownouts are essentially a drop in the power supply. The reason behind this name is that it often leads to voltage drops, causing light flickering and dimming. While brownouts aren’t complete power outages, they are capable of adversely affecting your electrical equipment. Three-phase and induction electrical motors are particularly at risk whenever a brownout takes place. This is because they tend to overheat, which can easily damage their insulation.

In case your main power supply is too erratic and the brownouts are getting more frequent, it would be best to purchase a backup power system. This is because these systems can take over automatically, providing you with the power required whenever there are voltage drops.

Final Thoughts

No matter where you live and how frequent the power outages in your city or area are, you must still get your electrical systems inspected to stay in the clear. You can do this by getting a licensed electrician in Vancouver, making sure they check everything thoroughly, whether it is light flickering, bc hydro outages, or any other issue that could lead to power outages.

Arthur Kavanagh